
Inside the halls

The Pegasus Museum tells the history and achievements of the Belgian Paratroopers from the start up to the present. You will learn about the fascinating world and history of the Belgian Paratroopers and Para-Commandos on the basis of documents, photos, objects, weapons and equipment.

Room 1 : 1942 – 1952

The creation of the unit
Great Britain
Tervuren, Westmalle, Poulseur
Training center Parachutists

Room 2 : 1952 – 1962

The establishment of the Regiment Para Commando in 1951
1 Para moves from Leopoldsburg to Diest
The Kamina Barracks
The establishment of the 3 Bn Para-Commando in 1955
Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi
The establishment of the GVP (Specialized Reconnaissance Teams)

Room 3 : Africa 1960 – 1997

1960: Congo
1961 – 1962: Rwanda – Burundi
1964: Congo, Red Dragon & Black Dragon
1974: Sahel
1978: Zaire (Red Bean)
1991: Zaire (Blue Beam)
1992 – 1993: Somalia (Restore Hope)
1993 – 1994: Rwanda (UNAMIR)
1997: Congo – Brazzaville (Green Stream)

Room 4 : other operaties 1997-2005

1999: Albania (AFOR I & II)
1999: Bosnia – Herzégovine (SFOR 5 – BELUBG)
2002: Kosovo (KFOR – BELUROKOS 9)
2004 – 2005: Afghanistan (Eurocorps – ISAF 6)

Room 5 & 6

Clandestine Operations 1952-1990

Room 7

The city of Diest and its Citadel
The fortress works earlier and now

Room 8

The cachot


Display armament, parachute material, transport